Okay so I'm always called emo, scene whatever people think I am. But I am none of these things. Just because I like skinny jeans and rock band don't mean ANYTHING. So now I shall talk about the sterotypes of the world (The most common) First "Jocks". Ya Know the "cute" football, basketball, soccor, baseball players who always have a girl stuck to there side, Everyone eather want to be them, love them, or just plain out hate them.
The "Preps" The girls who wear Abercrombie & Fitch,Hollister,Aeropostial. They can't help but look at themselfs 24/7 and have the "Bestest Friends" Well those ladies all talk about one another behind there backs. There are also the
"Goths" They are the moody kids who always shut everyone out and stay alone most of the time. The "Emo/Scene" Kids The Emos sit with there firends cut themselfs (not all do) and say "Fuck the world, I hate my life." The Scene kids, Obbsessed with Hello Kitty, Gir, and Skeleanimals, There like inbetween Emo and Prep.
Then last but not lest theres just us normal kids who don't really care about stereotypes and do what we want.
So mabey next time people say someone is "Emo" "Prep" or A "Jock" they might wanna just shut up before they start some more drama.

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